If you were the president of IndyCar, what other types of technology would you like to see introduced, and how would IndyCar help this technology to become mainstream? |
1. using solar technology to power the cars. |
2. Make the cars electric. |
3. Putting this on the internet is not a good idea. Also putting this in class rooms could be very helpful in making this very popular. |
4. Touch screen radios. |
5. mini fridge,for refreshment purposes |
6. I would like to see more environment safe technology and energy efficiant. IndyCar could advertise the new technology. |
7. We would incorperate rockets |
7. Self-driving cars. |
9. Indy car is popular and people like to watch so its good advertising |
10. solar |
11. less greenhouse gases |
12. makes the cars have solar panles on them |
13. life long all weather tires |
14. promotion and ads |
15. i would like 4 v-8 motors per car |
16. No, I did not know that. I would like to see paper being reduced at school. More advertisement would help Indycar become more mainstream. |
17. Different lightbulbs and less gas air into the atmosphere. |
Down-cycling of used materials can take many forms. As a sustainability adviser to IndyCar, can you think of any other materials that can be down-cycled? For example, used race car bodies can be transformed into functional artwork, like public benches or chairs and tables. What old materials would you use, and what would you make with them? |
1. ground up the old tires and put them in turf fields. |
2. trailors and stuff because trailors r big |
3. recycling old engines |
4. Metal parts can help build buildings. |
5. old car parts |
6. metal, wood, glass, rubber |
7. The bodies of the cars can be recycled and the engines can be melted down for scrap steel. |
8. light bulbs |
9. energy is important. |
10. snowboards into benches |
11. I would make the old materials into a bench maybe. |
12. Recycle metal from junkyards to make school buses |
13. I really like the idea of turning used race car bodies into artwork because i really enjoy art. |
14. i would use old bottles to make new ones |
15. Astro turf fields |
16. plastic, paper!! |
17. Old shoe boxs for school projects |
18. Paper make more paper |
19. tires,scrap metal |
20. recycled paper to make school news letters |
If you were in charge of the R2Ei program, what other ideas would you suggest to reduce the carbon footprint of IndyCar transportation? (Remember, since you’re the boss you can be as creative as you like, but the solutions have to be realistic in order to make a real difference) |
1. Make all the cars hybrids. |
2. stop all transportation and make everyone walk :) in reality.... change all gas to flexfuel |
3. Photosynthetic cars |
4. ride a bike |
5. Use solar. |
6. Make your 18- wheeler BIOP DIESEL |
7. So what i was thinking was we could take some c02 and then carbon dioxide and thn mix it so we can have a green enviornment. |
8. Have it run on soda |
9. To refuel the engine |
10. give out pamphlets informing people on the R2Ei program |
11.Reduce gas usage. |
12. order the recall of cars and give them a electric car............. |
13. I would implement electric vehicles instead of diesel trucks. |
14. recall cars and give them a electric car.................... |
15. I would make sure that everything that could be recycled would be recycled. |
16. Make everything be at one location |
18. a bigger truck that uses less gas:) |
19. Recycle, Reuse, Carpool, SOLAR PANELS!!!!! |
20. I would suggest that they begin using efficient fuel sources for their vehicles. |
21. recycle more |
22. For every mile driven they will plant a tree |
23. to not use as much energy |
24. buy new light bulb More walking less driving |
25. I would using ethinal and using led lights. |
26. we would create a car that uses less fuel |